Why Build it?

Why Build it?


0 min read

I hope the journey turns out great. I had intentions to build my own blog using ButterCMS. But, I find it hard to set ideas in motion so I stopped half-way into it because of some problems I ran into while trying to build the blog. I finished about 80% of the front-end using VueJs(a frame-work I absolutely love because of the story behind it and its simplicity).

I couldn't understand how to make the integration of it with the back-end. So, I set on my way to learn how to couple VueJs with NodeJs. I had been learning both frameworks differently so when it came to bringing it all together, I ran into a wall the size that Trump wants to suffer Mexico to build.

My blog was intended to be created for a singular purpose. A purpose I have now decided to use Hashnode for. As an upcoming developer, you have a desire to build everything yourself, you tell yourself it will help with the learning process. I've discovered that hunger is great and essential for growth, but if not checked, will end up as wasted energy. Why build a blog, pay for the cms, pay for the hosting services when there are platforms like this? This is why I decided, after canceling out Medium as an option (because well, I just don 't have $5 a month), that my idea to make blog posts about every single problem I encounter on my journey in the coding world and the steps I take to solve them would be brought to life here. Seeing the catch-phrase of Hashnode sealed the deal for me. "Ditch Medium...". I like the aggressiveness of it! I saw that just after reading freecodecamp's tweet about leaving Medium.

So, I hope the journey turns out well as I piece StackOverflow after StackOverflow solutions together tacked with solutions from different forums. Till then, code on coders!